Apprenticeships - detailed information on the Government website regarding apprenticeships
Step Into the NHS - a Health Education England website providing information on careers on offer in the health service
Health Careers - an information service about the range of 350 or so careers available in health
Understanding the New NHS - a guide on the structure and function of the NHS
Finance Careers - a guide to careers in NHS Finance
The NHS IT Strategy - a blog by Matthew Swindells, NHS England’s National Director: Operations and Information.
AAT - professional body for accounting technicians
BCS - the chartered institute for IT
AphA - professional association for healthcare analysts
FEDIP - a collaboration of leading professional bodies in health and care informatics
CIPS - the professional body for the procurement and supply profession
Foundation Apprenticeship Programme Video - the role of digital, finance and procurement in the NHS and the impact of apprentices in post
Foundation Accountancy Apprenticeship Overview - information regarding an introductory apprenticeship route to working in Finance in the NHS
Foundation Digital Apprenticeship Overview - information regarding an introductory apprenticeship route to working in digital roles in the NHS
Foundation Procurement Apprenticeship Overview - information regarding an introductory apprenticeship route to working in Procurement in the NHS